Sunday 26th September 2021

By Anne & Bill

Trip Leader: Chris - Nissan GQ


Karen & Richard - 79 Series

Anne & Bill - 80 Series

Apologies, Diane & Paul who had to pull out at the last minute.

The day started with us meeting at the Bonnie Doon Memorial at 8.45am. After discussing what was ahead we got underway by heading west to Ancona Rd. We travelled up Ancona Rd, turned into Mitchels Rd then Donaldson Rd and finally turned right onto Nth Creek Rd.

Travelling along here we came across a farm that caused us to really slow down to take in the scenery. It contained more “old rusty preloved relic “farm equipment than I knew still existed. Once acquired never relinquished.

Chris has mentioned that he might at some stage try and organise a visit (if pos.) to look at it properly.

We continued and then the question was asked, are we doing the easier or more challenging tracks? More challenging was unanimous.

At Ruoaks Rd we aired down, turned right and the fun began. We travelled through a beautiful valley that Chris referred to as Boulder Valley. I’ll let you guess why.

We continued taking an offshoot of Ruoaks Rd. (having fun) we then travelled via Dry Creek Rd onto Goldworthy’s Rd and Goldworthy Link Tk. coming out at Hells Hole Sluice

From her we travelled via Golden Mt TK, Ferraris Link TK, and Ferraris Rd before turning left into Howes Ck TK. From here we did one of the many Harpers tracks available in the area. We continued and took Lightening Ridge TK. And from there we took the Nillacootie track

Down to Lake Nillacootie where we had lunch. (And a much-needed toilet stop). It was great to see the lake full and the spillway overflowing.

Lunch over and we started the trip home. Turned left out of Nillacootie and before you know it, right into Donkey Hill Rd. (You guessed it, back into the hills and more great tracks).

We travelled a few more tracks on the way out and ended up at the Golden View. This took in views of the valley and part of the lake at Bonnie Doon.

We then travelled via Dry Creek Rd. to the Highway and went on our own merry way.

I would be remiss not to mention a few extra things.

One of the tracks on the way out was Harpers No.1.

Some would think this is a well rutted and steep challenge, but not us, we were up to the challenge. The old Nissan (Chris) got to the top and then it was the turn of the old 80 series (Bill). At approx. 2/3 of the way up the struggle began and the navigator (Anne) got out, and said see you at the top. Some say it almost rolled (exaggeration) but with a bit of perseverance we got there. Then the new Landcruiser (Richard) just cruised up. Not that hard a track.

Throughout the trip we noticed a lot of trees still in bright yellow blossom. We may have well missed these if not for our intrepid leader often informing us of what they were.

On many of the tracks travelled it was noticed that the track clearing was not up to the standards set by MAFWDC

We would like to thank Chris for a fantastic day. Great tracks and beautiful weather.

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